Monday, October 09, 2006

... the desire to scream will turn into silent tears if you wait long enough...

I've been falling into these holes lately. I cry for the death of my past. The fadeing of my memories. I can't remember how it smelt. I can't remember what it looked like..I remember how I felt..but what is that worth..I feel things everyday. All these people do all this talking, about what we've lost..what we think we have..

It's all bullshit.

I'm going to die one day..
and no matter how much i've lived
I will never have really lived.

"You will never be more beautiful then you are now,
we will never be here again.
Everything is more beautiful,
Because we're doomed"

"What do you want Al?"
"I want it to not hurt anymore.."

This could be the very minute
I'm aware I'm alive
All these places feel like home

"I want something?"
"The soundtrack to The Last Kiss"

This is the straw, final straw
in the Roof of my mouth
as I lie to you
Just because I'm sorry
doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at the time

"He'd get me anything I needed.."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes. It's like..he's everything I could ever need in a relationship"
"What about what I want?"

Goodness knows I saw it coming
Or at least I'll claim I did
But in truth I'm lost for words

"We're all striving to get back to something that we had once..
but I can't even remember what it felt like when I was there.."
"But you know it was great."
"Was it?"

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