Laundry is such a pain in the ass.
I'm trying to keep myself awake. I still have a lot to do before sleep finds me.
I've been feeling great lately. I've totally adjusted to the pescatarian diet, and I've actually been feeling well enough to exercise. Mike and I have been running three times a week, and I'm truly starting see the changes in my body. I'm getting leaner, stronger and my cardiovascular health is improving drastically.
I thought I would miss meat a lot more than I am. I actually feel better without it, I don't have any cravings at all. If anything, I have a taste for chicken tiki masala, but that's it.
“Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn. You bury it in the ground, and it explodes into an oak! Bury an animal, and nothing happens but decay.”- George Bernard Shaw
The only regrets I have as of late are not spending enough time alone with myself and not getting out enough to do the things I plan to. I put a lot on my plate, so to speak, and only ever finish about 1/3 of it all. I would like to finish everything. It's a goal I'm setting for myself.
Some time this week I hope to make use of the new grill Mike and I bought at the world market. It's so cute, and I think grilling up some salmon and veggies lakeside will be such a nice treat for the both of us. We're really getting closer, if that's possible after 4 years. Running together is really helping. I see my future in his eyes and it feels so great.
I can smell the world in the air, and it smells fulfilling.
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