Saturday, February 12, 2011

Taking a break from cleaning my apartment to share some thoughts. I wish energy was something that came natural to me, but it seems like more and more I have to will myself out of bed or off of the sofa in order to get anything done.

I've been following a video blogger that mike turned me onto, and it's made me think about my life a lot more. She's so funny, quirky and interesting. I wish people saw me the way she is seen. I supposed you have to be a bit more put together than I am for that to happen though.

I feel like if I could just actualize my self image, life would fall into line with what I picture a lot more easily. Is that wishful thinking, I don't know, but I don't want to live my entire life striving to achieve something and never actually get there. On my wedding day will I still way over 2oo pounds and have to compromise on looking and feeling the way that I thought I would?

I think this applies to everything in my life. Will I compromise on the house I want to live in, the job I want to do, the people I want to make friends with, the sites I want to see?

I know it all starts with me, with some tiny light inside of myself that needs to shine brightly and burn strongly in order to propel me in the direction I want to go, but I can't help feeling that my light is sputtering, and perhaps at times not burning at all.

How do I motivate myself? How do I hold onto the things that I have and move toward the things that I want?

I don't want to fail myself, and I don't want to fail Mike, and I feel like I am. I can see it there in his eyes..a loss of something that used to be there before, and it makes me feel sick. How could this person who used to be so taken with me look at me the way he does now.

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