Thursday, August 17, 2006

Let me try it like this..

If I had a million dollars..I'd buy the singer from Death Cab.
Just so I could ask him to sing to me whenever I need to hear him.."
Plus I think he's adorable.

New plan..I will save myself until I get to have sex with the singer from death cab.

.........maybe not....

Anyways..Work ..omg...I am working my ass off..

It''ll be have open a bank'll be good for me.

All of my "going away to college" friends are gone...but it's okay..because i'll just call them all the time..

I won't loose them..or jillian and jackie...or you...for that matter

I won't loose anyone.

I don't know why I couldn't just tell you that..I don't want you "to not talk to me for awhile" because that doesn't help..what I should have just told you is that I need to just establish a relationship with you, whatever that new relationship may be..and stick with it..that way I can go though whatever emotional cycle I need to and eventually okay..

...I should have said that..

Gah..I can't wait to start college...

I need some social interaction.
I feel pretty good though...

It's still hard...not having you..

but it's okay...

and it's gonna be okay..

You were so good to me...and I connected with you..

I hope that doesn't go away..
I hope that the best..of us..doesn't go away..

I wonder if you got your part...

I get to go to tech on monday...I was like..."awesome"'s still leyden..but so's Chris..and it's ..awesome
I am a little nervous about telling him that I didn't go to GA..but hey..isn't the fact that i'm gonna show up..telling him? I know he'll understand..but he'll probably give me a are looks..

Who's that girl you took pictures of today? Do you like her? ...yeah i'm nosey..


I'm pretty i'm gonna go to be..

hopefully you really do read my blog...and if you do then hopefully we'll talk soon..a two sided conversation would be pretty nice..haha..

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