Mood: Trying not to be Lathargic
Music: Sweet child o' mine By: Guns and Roses
I've found myself looking at fat people. I look at they're ugly. I know I know, it's horrible, so sue me. Their fat..and I can't stop staring. I've been asking my friends "Do I look like that?" .."No ..seriously, do I look like that?". I'm done with it.
If I have to ask, there's a problem. No more. I want my body back.
...So i'm on a quest to get it. ...I am however, vaguely aware that i'm not eating enough I need to fix that.
My mom threw George out the window of the car....while we were going fifty. (George is a rubber duck). But it's okay, because we went back for he's got scratches..and he'll have a bandage on for awhile..but he's pullling through.
I like where I am in my life..although I may not appear to..
I've been having nightmares...horrible don't believe me? You don't understand how bad? Last night I had one about being raped by ugly men..not just one man, I said men.
I don't know why...probably because i'm insane.
That's about it..I miss my boyfriend everytime I breathe...I'm pretty tired of school..and I just want to be where I wanna go..but i'm okay with the fact that i'm not there..